Wednesday, August 27, 2008

And we're off Kindergarten that is!!

Here is Carson at his table first thing when we got there. He was so cute. He spent some time with his hands in his pockets walking around the room, just checking things out. Maybe he was rubbing that shiney new quarter Nana gave him to rub if he was feeling nervous or sad. It was to help him remember that Nana, Papa J, mommy and daddy were all thinking about him and praying for him on this special day! He didn't seem nervous or anything when we left. He seemed ready to learn!!

Mommy trying to hold back the tears realizing I am fixing to have to let go!

Carson gettting one last hug from little brother who is really going to miss him.

Nana came really for mommy, but loved getting to see Carson on his big day!
What a great help to me she was. We went shopping all day, one of our favorite things to do.
Thanks Nana! We love you!

This is day 2, this morning and still smiling!!

We were so lucky to get such a great teacher and a friend of mommy's from college. Miss Spindle is going to be a great teacher for Carson and makes mommy feel so good about leaving him. He is in such great hands. Thanks Miss Spindle for being YOU and having a heart for kids!! We are so blessed this year. We prayed and prayed to get the transfer and then we prayed some more for his teacher, whoever it was going to be. God was faithful again!
Also on the week of meet the teacher after we got the transfer we found out that Daniel's sister from Michigan and her family had just moved back to Denton that week after 20 years, and guess where his brother in law got a job teaching 2nd grade? Yes you guessed it, Pecan Creek. The Lord does work in mysterious ways. Now Carson has an uncle at the school to look after him too. When we were praying this prayer we had no idea God was going to bring family back to Texas and uncle Brian so close. WOW!! What a testimony to God's love for us and his timing.
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." Phillipians 4:6 NIV
I love what The Message says too!
"Don't fret or worry. Instead of worrying, pray. Let petitions and praises shape your worries into prayers, letting God know your concerns. Before you know it, a sense of God's wholeness, everything coming together for good, will come and settle you down. It's wonderful what happens when Christ displaces worry at the center of your life."


House said...

He looks so handsome! It has been a rough week (for me)! I'm sure yours has been about the same. When did they get to be so big? I'm so glad everything has worked out for you with the school situation. That is such a comfort!

Jonna Wilson said...

Too cute! Praise God for ALL His blessings!!

Melodie said...

he is so grown up now! i'm glad everyone has survived the week.

Amanda said...

This does not seem possible! He looks so cute and smart. I know he will do great. I am a proud auntie!