Saturday, February 16, 2008

Daytona and the weather

Ok I am really enjoying reading everyone elses blogs. I am realizing that mine is not very good. So I am going to have to try and step it up. I am far from being a great writer like my sister. Amanda you are the best and need to write a book.
Daniel flew out early this morning to Florida and our friend picked him up and they headed to Daytona for the races. For those who don't know, one of Daniel's passions is Nascar and he got this great opportunity again to go to Daytona so he jumped on it. It's just me and the boys this weekend and the weather is yuk, cold and raining. The weather at Daytona, the 80's and beautiful. Great for him, not so great for us. When Carson woke up this morning at 1AM with the thunder and lightning he said, "I think I should have gone with daddy to Florida, where the weather is going to be nice". Actually that was exactly my thought too.

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