Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Spring Break 09

We had a good spring break this year with Carson out of school and home most of the week. He spent the first of his spring break with nana and papa j. One of his favorite places to go without his younger brother, of course. Everyone knows why, right? Yes he gets all the attention. After he was spoiled there he came home and we had planned out the rest of the week. Here are some pics of the boys at the Gainesville zoo with their favorite big cousin, Victoria. Victoria and her family have moved back to our area from Michigan and we love having them close. She babysits for us all the time and the boys love her. Thanks for going with us V!!

We were on the way home and Victoria looked back to see that Cameron had unzipped Carson's lunch box and gotten into the last homemade chocolate chip cookie with no one knowing. That sneaky little boy!! We all laughed and took this pic when we got home. I take it he like it!

1 comment:

Elder Beech said...

We moved back here from Michigan too. We were in Rochester Hills, if that means anything to Victoria! Love the pics. Your boys are adorable. My blog is www.beechbunch.blogspot.com.

Jenn Moorman Beech