Friday, August 22, 2008

Tyler Trip

Well as most of you may know my grandmother had major surgery a few weeks ago. She is getting some rehab in the hospital and will probably be going home soon. We decided to get away one last time before Carson started school, so we headed to Tyler last weekend. We booked a hotel with a pool and planned some fun activities for the boys. We also got to spend some great time with Aunt PheePhee, my parents and meme. Meme loved getting to see the boys again. Here are some pics of the boys at the Brookshires Wildlife Museum. What a neat place it was and it had a great park too.

Cameron found some leaves and was carrying them around. It was so cute how he did not want to loose them. Every time he dropped them he would find the same ones and pick them up again. I just had a get a picture of his cute little chubby hands holding them.

1 comment:

Abigail said...

Amy, I can't believe how big Cameron has gotten!! And walking! I wish we would've had a chance to get the boys together this summer. Joshy really misses Carson!